Commodity Trading

Unify risk & limits

Understand and limit your market risk exposure and capitalise on market conditions.

Enterprise-wide market risk

Monitor & manage your commodities exposure

Enhance risk governance with advanced tools built to accurately measure and manage market risk for commodity trading firms. Gain transparency with a full complement of market risk measures along with complex scenarios and stress tests. Improve strategic decision making with sensitivities to all market factors, comprehensive “what-if” analysis, regulatory stress tests, such as HVaR, and tail measures like expected shortfall.

Access a single view of risk across all financial and physical assets.

Optimise operations by aggregating all of your data across multiple regions.

Support for stress testing i.e. MC VaR, Historical VaR and expected shortfall.

key features

A powerful, high performance platform

Aggregated Risk View

Aggregated Risk View

A single view of risk across all financial and physical assets.

VaR Calculations

VaR Calculations

Calculate VaR across an entire portfolio using historical or Monte-Carlo methodologies.

Sensitivities & Hedging

Sensitivities & Hedging

Comprehensive sensitivity analysis with consistent calculations across all asset classes.

Simplified Data Management

Simplified Data Management

An ETL framework for managing data feeds and a NoSQL database environment for high-performance and agile processing of information.

'What-if' Analysis

‘What-if’ Analysis

A powerful and flexible risk engine provides advanced ‘What-If’ analysis to all market observables for accurate management of risk.

Stress Testing

Stress Testing

Integrated functionality to stress product attributes or market risk factors. Portfolio can be stress tested at future time points.


A clear vision

At Quantifi, we understand the challenges that commodity trading firms face, and we offer solutions that can help you transform your business.

Want to save time and automate manual processes?

Manual, bespoke processes are slow and error prone. Commodity trading firms are looking to automate processes so they can reduce costs and respond faster to volatile markets.

Quantifi automates complex tasks to reduce operational risk, eliminate redundant processes and increase resource efficiency. These automated processes also speed up decision making, allowing firms to respond faster to markets events and mitigate losses.

Need to know accurate exposure to a counterparty at any point in time?

Get better answers, faster. Quantifi’s CCRMS provides a consolidated, real-time view of exposures and risk globally across the firm.

Reduce risk and complexity by monitoring credit risk concentrations by counterparties, commodities, business lines, countries etc. in real-time and conduct real-time credit line checks on new trades added to existing portfolios.

Managing and maintaining multiple systems?

Global commodity trading firms must manage an array of counterparty risks. Historically, firms have relied on multiple tools for counterparty credit risk management, including Excel spreadsheets, for exposure calculations and reporting, and email to communicate credit decisions.

Quantifi’s single, fully-integrated solution provides enterprise-wide credit and counterparty risk management.

Quantifi’s broad functionality reduces the need for multiple systems.

Looking to implement a consistent counterparty evaluation methodology?

Quantifi’s CCRMS was built in collaboration with world-leading commodity trading firms. This collaboration resulted in a solution designed to standardise counterparty evaluation enterprise-wide.

Quantifi is a single solution for all participants in the credit decisions and risk management processes and facilitates a consistent credit policy across the enterprise. Users can model counterparty hierarchies and corresponding exposure rollup rules and have access to counterparty scoring and limit assignment based on multiple methodologies.

Difficulty managing data?

Providing access to the right data and analytics to the right people is crucial to commodity trading firms. Quantifi integrates with data science technology to provide cloud native, scalable performance for large data sets.

Rich ETL capabilities seamlessly integrated with existing data repositories and third-party data providers.


We needed a robust, flexible and scalable solution to manage our business activities in respect of market risk and counterparty risk management. We wanted to take a more sophisticated approach to risk management and have a consolidated view of risk exposures across our global operating model.

Chris Sloan, Chief Risk Officer at Traxys


Innovative thinking

Client Stories

Traxys Adopts Quantifi for Market & Counterparty Risk Management

Built specifically for commodity firms to achieve optimal trading and risk management outcomes, Quantifi offers a powerful and adaptable solution that delivers exceptional performance.

Client Stories

Bunge Selects Quantifi’s Credit & Counterparty Risk Management Solution

Bunge is a leading agribusiness and food company with integrated operations that circle the globe, covering over 40 countries with approximately 35,000 employees.

Client Stories

COFCO International Selects Quantifi to Support Global Commodities Operations

COFCO International is the overseas agriculture business platform for COFCO Corporation, China's largest food and agriculture company. COFCO International is focused on being a leader in the global grains, oilseeds and sugar supply chains, with assets across the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific. COFCO International trades with more than 50 nations, handling over 100 million tonnes of related commodities with revenues of $31bn (figures from 2019).

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