Quantifi has been positioned as ‘Category Leader’ in the Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for Buy Side Risk Analytics

As cited by Chartis, buy-side firms are witnessing a rapidly changing operating environment and need to not only comply with regulations but also adapt to a new marketplace. Quantifi’s solution for buy-side analytics is an integrated Portfolio Management Systems (PMS) that delivers cross-asset trading, front-to-back operations, position management, market, credit, counterparty and liquidity risk management, […]
14 Jan, 2014

As cited by Chartis, buy-side firms are witnessing a rapidly changing operating environment and need to not only comply with regulations but also adapt to a new marketplace.

Quantifi’s solution for buy-side analytics is an integrated Portfolio Management Systems (PMS) that delivers cross-asset trading, front-to-back operations, position management, market, credit, counterparty and liquidity risk management, margining, and regulatory reporting all on a single integrated real-time platform. As well as integrating all regulatory and industry practices, Quantifi applies the latest technology innovations to provide new levels of usability, flexibility, and ease of integration. This translates into dramatically lower time to market, total cost of ownership and significant improvements in operational efficiency.

“We have been impressed by the depth and breadth of functionality provided by Quantifi. A key differentiator for Quantifi is its open, service-based technology architecture which makes the solution easier to integrate, more flexible, and easier to suppport”

Peyman Mestchian, Managing Partner

“This report covers the competitive landscape for buy-side risk analytics. This report also covers the capabilities and market position of Quantifi for buy-side analytics. Chartis believes Quantifi to be one of the leading vendors in the buy-side risk analytics marketplace.”

Quantifi is a specialist provider of analytics, trading and risk management solutions. Founded in 2002, Quantifi has over 140 clients across 16 countries including 5 of the 6 largest global banks, 2 of the 3 largest asset managers, leading hedge funds, pension funds, insurers, brokers, clearing members, corporates and other financial institutions. The client base is evenly divided between the sell and buy-side. Quantifi has offices in London, New York, New Jersey, and Sydney. Quantifi re-invests 60% of revenue into research and development.

Quantifi started with a focus on the front office and has since expanded to cover the front, middle, and back office. Quantifi’s solution for buy-side analytics is an integrated Portfolio Management Systems (PMS) based on holistic analytics, trading and risk management. The solution provides user-friendly trade entry and capture, pre-trade analysis (including analysis of fees and margins to calculate true profitability), real-time position management, OIS discounting, regulatory reporting, liquidity risk, counterparty risk, and CVA. The solution also includes risk analytics and flexible reporting for market and counterparty risk, providing the same figures to the risk function as to the front office. Its operations section includes workflow, limits, compliance, and P&L analysis functionalities.

‘Quantifi’s solution for buy-side analytics is an integrated Portfolio Management Systems (PMS) based on holistic analytics, trading and risk management.’

Quantifi provides trade entry and pre-trade analysis via an intuitive and configurable trade blotter. The trade blotter can be configured for each user using templates to provide highly-tuned, simple trade entry and pre-trade analysis for both cleared and un-cleared trades. Users can look at risk on either a portfolio or incremental basis and can compare exposure limits, capital charge, and margin across different execution venues. The solution can re-run a couple of trades, rather than the whole portfolio, to get a new measurement of risk, using in-memory cubes. Stress testing can also be carried out pre-trade. Market data can be ingested and scrubbed, with controls and tolerances for missing data.

Wide-ranging compliance and limits features are designed to mitigate a firm’s risk exposure. Flexible limits can be set across a range of measures including asset class, counterparties, brokers, and clearinghouses to satisfy internal policy limits and portfolio constraints. Quantifi provides the risk function with the ability to set up risk runs, scenarios, and stress tests using intuitive GUIs. Integrated reporting and drill-down tools allow users to view results at the required level of detail, including trade terms and calculation parameters. The solution provides templates for risk reports and for stress tests that can be configured, as well as create new reports. The solution has its own front end, and can interface with 3rd party BI tools, such as Tableau. The solution uses an ETL framework for managing data feeds. This user-friendly framework can be used for managing real-time and batch inbound and outbound data feeds and comes with pre-integrated feeds for popular data providers. Clients can use Quantifi’s models or plug in their own proprietary models.

Quantifi has an open, service-based architecture (SOA) which makes the solution easier to integrate, more flexible, and easier to support. This light-touch architecture combined with advanced data management is designed to provide significantly lower TCO.

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