Quant Insights Conference

Quantifi will be exhibiting at Quant Insights 4th Annual Conference in London.

With the growth and development of artificial intelligence, the use of data and machine learning in finance has become a hot topic in the last few years. The Quant Insights conference will bring together leading industry practitioners to talk about the latest techniques they are using, incorporating AI and machine learning in trading, portfolio management and risk management.

More information about the agenda and registration is available on the Quant Insight website

Conference Agenda

  • Keynote: Machine Learning And Me – A Love/Hate Relationship
  • Deep Learning in Finance: Prediction of Stock Return with Long Short-Term Memory Networks
  • Machine Learning for Multi-Factor Equity Portfolios
  • The AI Machine – Solving the Last Mile Problem in Algorithmic Trading
  • From Machines to Robots: The Case of High-Dimensional Stress Tests in Risk and Algorithmic Trading
  • Optimizing Dynamic Trading Strategies on Gaussian Returns
  • Big Data and Machine Readable News to Trade Markets
  • Making Data Pay: AI and ML in Trade Finance
  • Neocybernetics

Registration Closed
Registration is no longer available.


Innovative thinking

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