The ability to organise and analyse your portfolios efficiently is crucial. However, many portfolio managers find themselves hampered by rigid and inflexible reporting. Common complaints include only being able to organise a portfolio by instrument type, or that existing systems can be so cumbersome and time-consuming that managers seldom use it to analyse their strategies.
These limitations can hinder your ability to respond quickly to market changes, strategize effectively, and ultimately deliver the best returns for your clients.
Quantifi: Providing flexible portfolio organisation with “Groups”
Here is how Quantifi can transform your reporting:
- Flexible tagging: Users can define any number of bespoke tags on trades, products and legal entities. This makes it easy to map trade identifiers, which can then be used to group multiple trades together for reporting purposes. Once tagged, the corresponding risk and calculations can be reported at both a group level and an individual trade level.
- Multiple hierarchies: Our “Groups” feature allows you to organise your portfolio in as many hierarchies as you want. This customisable hierarchy and grouping framework means you can seamlessly define your own multi-level hierarchy system for viewing results, managing risk, and monitoring limits. This functionality makes it easy for results to be analysed at all levels in an organisation, for example at the enterprise level, a desk or fund level, by individual portfolio managers, or individual traders.
- Dynamic reporting: You can easily re-organise reports and adapt as your strategies evolve without starting from scratch each time. You can have a high-level view of your overall portfolio and simultaneously drill down into specific strategies to see how each trade is performing.
- Ultimate configurability: These groups can be created at the user level without affecting the existing trades. The configurability of this feature ensures that you can customise your view, suited to your needs. Risk managers and portfolio managers can have completely different views, independent of each other. No more one-size-fits-all solutions—enjoy the ability to tailor your reporting precisely to your needs.
- Ease of use: We have made the process intuitive and straightforward. Setting up and modifying reports is seamless, allowing you to spend less time on manual tasks and more time on strategy and execution.
Break free from rigid reporting
Portfolio management tools should empower you, not constrain you. This level of sophistication means you no longer have to rely on rigid, one-dimensional reporting systems. Instead, you can dynamically adjust your reports to reflect your evolving strategies and gain full transparency.
Experience unmatched flexibility with Quantifi
Our “Groups” feature is just one example of the configurable reporting offered by Quantifi. With Quantifi’s flexible reporting, you can adapt your view and analysis, ensuring you are always in the best position to make informed decisions.
Ready to elevate your portfolio management? Want to see Quantifi in action? Book a demo today.