Next Generation Risk Technology Powered by Data Science

Regulators, internal stakeholders, customers, and investors are demanding more transparency with understanding of front office, risk, and capital models - from trading algos, capital models to counterparty risk models that incorporate statistical learning approaches.

Co-hosted by Quantifi & Celent

Transparency demands are required not only at an analytical level, but also in development workflows and lifecycle activities associated with risk models and data. With these developments, one imperative that we believe to be significant in the coming years is the emergence of next-generation risk technology powered by data science approaches.


  • Market Imperatives & Business Drivers
  • The Quantitative and analytics Challenges
  • What is Data Science & How Can it be Applied?
  • Key Takeaways for Firms


  • Avadhut Naik, Head of Solutions, Quantifi
  • Cubillas Ding, Research Director, Celent


Innovative thinking


Quantifi Survey Reveals Strong Trend towards Data Science in Finance

Quantifi recently hosted a webinar featuring Celent, a research and advisory firm, on ‘Next Generation Risk technology Powered by data science’. Over 180 individuals from across the financial service industry registered for the webinar. Delegates were surveyed to measure industry opinion on the adoption of data science.


How is Data Science Transforming Banking and Capital Markets?

Part 1 of this blog series explores data science in the context of risk management technology and operations. This blog reflects on how the financial environment, and the broader landscape, has changed over the last decade and the market trends that are driving the rise in data science approaches.


Industry Perspectives on Data Science – Q&A

This blog is taken from the Quantifi webinar ‘Next Generation Risk technology Powered by data science’ featuring Celent. The panellists, Cubillas Ding, Research Director, Celent and Avadhut Naik, Head of Solutions, Quantifi, were presented with a number of questions from the audience. ‘The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the individual […]

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