Navigating the IBOR Transition

The IBOR reform represents one of the biggest challenges facing financial services firms. Successful management will require significant change and strategic risk management. Preparing for the transition will require firms to establish a strategy to assess the impact and navigate transition risks. Is your firm ready?

Speakers from Lloyds Banking Group and Quantifi discuss the challenges and risks of navigating the IBOR transition and the adoption of alternative reference rates.


  • Current status of the IBOR transition
  • Impact assessment and transition risks
  • How technology can help
  • SOFR: challenges of building curves and modelling loans & bonds
  • Challenges of replacing IBOR in existing Bonds & swaps


  • Maurizio Garro, Senior Lead, IBOR Transition Programme, Lloyds Banking Group
  • Irina Ursachi, Independent Risk Management Consultant
  • Dmitry Pugachevsky, Director of Research, Quantifi


Innovative thinking


The IBOR Transition: Challenges and the Road Ahead

Operational readiness is specific to each institution and has to be complemented by technological and regulatory developments and fine-tuned to the ongoing changes in market infrastructure.


Preparing for the IBOR Transition: Technology and Models

This process has revealed a number of challenges for financial markets participants, with many having to rethink their operations and technology infrastructure and adopting new technologies to help with the transition.


Survey: How are Firms Navigating the IBOR Transition?

Interbank Offer Rates (IBOR) play a pivotal role in the functioning of financial markets. The transition away from IBOR represents one of the biggest challenges facing financial services firms. The reform has been ongoing for more than two years, during which market-infrastructure providers, regulators, buy- and sell-side firms, and trade associations have been assessing and […]

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