Derivatives Valuation Software

Derivatives valuations can be resource-intensive and complex. Quantifi gives you accurate, timely valuations, as well as the performance and flexibility to build operational efficiency.

The valuation of derivatives is a challenging and time-consuming task that requires specific knowledge and access to sophisticated, transparent and accurate models. Trusted by leading global valuation providers, Quantifi has a proven track record of helping clients gain confidence in their valuations.

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Innovative thinking


A Primer on the Equity Derivatives Market

Over time, the range of pricing models has grown steadily, both as new types of derivatives have been introduced and as weaknesses in previous models have been identified.


Intel & Quantifi Accelerate Derivative Valuations by 700x Using AI on Intel Processors

This paper demonstrates that accurate, real-time pricing for a portfolio of derivatives can be generated locally or in the cloud using AI technology.

Client Stories

CQS Selects Quantifi’s Best-of-Breed Analytics to Replace Internal Systems

CQS selected Quantifi to provide enhanced pricing and risk management analytics, and to improve operational efficiencies.

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